Imagine In Dreaming They Come 1\19\99 Pt.2 *1* Wk 2, Monday night Abri knew they had little time left. She immediately set out to the dojo. She jumped in Ranma's window and shook him awake. She gestured for him to follow. He looked mystified, but followed. She moved swiftly to the park and found her sitting in a tree. He sat in a branch near her. He was obviously intrigued by the late night outing. He grinned at her. "What's goin' on?" She didn't smile in return. "I have to ask a very big favor of you. It will take all of your skills." "Sure," he said, obviously not taking her seriously. She smiled a bit. "I am here in Japan on a mission. I am here to teach a group of young people with very high potential to make use of it. However, their present leader may soon be gone and it would be very bad politics to choose a new leader from within the group. You would be ideal until we could find another. We don't have time to train someone to fight. Will you help me?" He slowly nodded. "Sure, who are they?" As casually as she could, she said, "The Sailor Senshi," His mouth dropped open. "They're all girls!" She nodded. "But I won't make you use your curse to be a girl. You will stay male." He regained his composure. "What's going on?" Abri sighed. "I told you I have terrible dreams that sometimes true. I've dreamed the deaths of the Senshi and I think you can make the difference. Also you have friends that can help if necessary." She studied him carefully. "Think carefully, will you help me?" For once in his life he considered carefully. It could get him killed, but he almost died every day. He would gain some more skills more likely. He could get away from his fiances. "I'll do it." Abri smiled. "Then let me fill you in." She knelt and prayed for God to make her his warrior. She changed into a girl with her green hair pulled into war braids. Her uniform was silver and green. A javelin was in her hand. "I am Salidihm Zephyr, which is Soul Warrior of Zephyr. I am what the Sailors could become if they used the power God gave them." She shifted into a silver, green, and white sailor outfit. "They know me as Sailor Zephyr. I am the Sailor of Dreams. They know very little about me. Sailor Wirres, or Salidihm Wirres, also works with me. They don't know that either of us are anything more than them." She gestured for him to come down. He jumped down and she touched his forehead. He felt power course through him. "You are now Salidihm Terra." He looked down at himself. He wore red and gold in a Chinese fashion. He wore black slippers like he was used to. "Your curse cannot be activated when you are in Salidihm or Sailor guise." She handed him a stick with a sculpture of the earth on top. "The Sailors use this to transform. Say "Terra Planet Power!" He nodded. "Terra Planet Power!" His uniform changed a bit. It looked more like a Sailors and instead of a tiara he had a gold pendant. "Not bad," he commented. He looked at his reflection in the pond. He saw two crescent moons on his forehead, intersecting and glowing. "It is the Zephyrin sign for Earth." Zephyr explained. He nodded. "The Sailors use energy attacks, what do I have?" "You have the Mimic Augment attack. You can only use it with others though. If one of the other senshi uses, say the Flame Sniper, you say 'Terra Mimic Mars Flame Sniper, Augment!'." Zephyr explained. She looked pain. "But unless you really want to kill your enemy with fear alone, don't Mimic Augment, Zephyr Nightmare Shift." He nodded. "I am to use my chi attacks?" She nodded. "You'll need them." She saw dawn was coming. "One last thing, we can talk on mental circuits called Yoko Circuits. I've put you in already." She continued in thought speak. he sent back. Zephyr waved and left. Ranma stared after her for a moment and then headed back home. *2* Wk 2 Tuesday At lunch Ranma introduced her to more of his friends. He walked up to a girl in a boy's uniform. "Ukyo, this is my friend Abri. She started here after you left last week." "Hello Ukyo," she said. "I've heard you make the best okynamiaki in town." Ukyo studied the girl and tried to discern her relationship with Ranma. "You like okynamiaki?" she asked neutrally. Abri shrugged. "I've never had any, but I'd like to." Ukyo felt her resistance melting. She saw somewhat of a kindred soul with the girl. She could see the pain hidden in her eyes. "Come by later," she said and I'll make you some." Kuno chose that moment to show up. "Queen of my heart, I've barely seen you. I know you must be crushed." Ukyo saw something in the girl's expression that scared her. "Kuno," Abri said. "I told you that I have no desire for such a relationship with you. Now go." Her words had a commanding air that he found impossible to oppose. He walked away as Ranma and Ukyo looked at her in surprise. Abri wandered away and slipped into the bathroom. Then she received the call from Feithe. Abri ran out and found Ranma watching four of his fiances fight. She grabbed his arm. She smiled and sent as they vanished, * * Tuesday afternoon Feithe winced as another blow got past her defense. She was fighting three sword bearing men that were very large. Both Mars and Mercury were using their attacks and very untrained physical skills to keep the others off. Feithe heard a scream and saw Mercury fall. Mars jumped over and was now facing six foes. Feithe's sword arm was hit while she was distracted. She had no time to heal anyone now. Mars saw the blades coming and knew she couldn't save herself from this one. She looked down at Mercury and fell as she was cut through. Mars released all of her fire and burned the men around her to the ground. Feithe was still fighting in earnest. She desperately wanted to go over and see that Mars was just unconscious, but she knew better. * * Minako had been shopping when they attacked. There were six of them. Her chain could only hold off at least three. But then, a girl in a similar uniform joined her. She seemed familiar, but Venus couldn't place her. The two fought back to back, but had to split up when the men started attacking innocents. Venus had her crystal sword out and Saeblin had her own sword. As soon, or as long depending how you look at it, as the six were down. A dozen arrived to replace them. * * Jupiter was relieved when Zephyr arrived. A boy was with her, in a sailor type uniform. He smiled encouragingly at her and one thought ran through her mind as she fought. He looked even better than her old boyfriend. Ranma was surprised to find himself challenged by these new foes. He made sure they were good and angry and punched forward with his fist. His calm aura hit their angry aura and caused an immediate cyclone. "Hyru Shoten Ha!" (Heavenly Ascension Dragon!) A dozen men went flying. Jupiter was also using martial arts rather than her sailor attacks. Zepher used her javelin as much as she could. It took awhile, but they won. Ranma and Abri heard. Zephyr turned. "Sailor Jupiter, we must regroup at the mission. I will teleport us." * * Tuesday night They arrived in groups. Sabere and Hakere met Ranma, Abri, and Jupiter at the mission. They seemed very serious. They healed them and set them to preparing the hospice. Merce and Venus appeared next. Both were exhausted. No one said a word as they got cleaned up. Feithe arrived last. Mercury stood beside Feithe, leaning on her shoulder. She carried Mars in her arms. She was sobbing and Mercury wasn't much better. Jupiter took her teammate and laid her down on one of the beds. Mars was covered with blood. Minako, Makoto, and Ami began to wash her. Feithe was going to let them grieve, but Jupiter caught her arm. "You are one of us too." Feithe nodded and sat to help. Terra, Merce, Sabere, Hakere, and Zephyr sat in the kitchen. "We can't beat them." Hakere said. "Feithe told mr of her findings. Balal was a male in Serenity's line who felt he should have been king. He discovered other universes and has spent two thousand years gathering troops and learning." "There has to be something we can do." Terra said. "We can't give up." Merce nodded. "Xalen can take us back to when he tried to take over the first time. If we stop him then, this won't have happened." Sabere nodded. "I agree. But our group is too small." Terra smiled. "My friends will come. If I read this right, then the future here is very dim." Zephyr nodded. "Bring those you can find here by morning. Make sure to bring ALL the Tendos. They will all be needed." Her command tone worked again and he ran off to obey. Merce looked over at her. "You'll ruin the fic if you keep people from making their stereotypical arguments and comments." Zepher nodded. "You're right, I'm sorry. I'll do better." Feithe walked over and laid Mars's henshin stick in Abri's hand. "We will need a Sailor Mars in the group." She walked back over to her friends. * * Early Wednesday Morning Ranma had found it difficult to get the other's up until he mentioned that Abri was in danger. Everyone liked Abri; it was almost impossible not to. They were still grumbling as they walked towards the mission. He had gotten all the Tendos, his father, Shampoo, Ukyo, Ryoga, Kodachi, and Kuno. When they arrived they saw the house was surrounded. The others moved forward to fight, but he stopped them with a loud mental command. Akane turned to him and pulled out her largest wooden mallet. "Ranma no baka!!!! ( Ranma you idiot) How dare you disturb my idiom!" Ranma smiled wanly. "Guys, I've only seen this done once but I'm gona try it." "You learn a new move?" Shampoo, the Chinese Amazon asked. He shook his head and suddenly they were inside the mission. "I did it!" "That cool move. Teach Shampoo?" she asked and glomped onto him. Resulting conversation ended when the new arrivals saw the group of people standing around a still body and burying it in the mission graveyard. The girl had been beautiful, with Raven hair. Abri stepped up to them. "I am Sailor Zephyr of the Sailor Senshi. We need your help to fight one who will take this world." "The Sailor Senshi?" Akane asked. "Where are the others?" Ryoga, the Lost Boy asked. He was answered by cries of, "Venus Power!" "Jupiter Power!" "Mercury Power!" Ranma turned to face them and shouted, "Terra Power!" A small girl piped up, "Moon Prism Power!" "Sentinal Rose!" the last came from a man who became tuxedo mask. Genma looked at the little girl. "You're Sailor Moon?" She shook her head. "My mommy is gone. We have to save her." Kasumi picked her up. Normally Chibi-Moon would have protested, but it seemed all right for this person. She hugged Kasumi. Ukyo asked the next obvious question. "And what of Mars?" Abri answered, "She was killed in battle yesterday. Will you help us?" "I'm in." Ranma said. "I go where Ranma go." Shampoo said. Kodachi laughed. "I'll go." Soun Tendo nodded. "I'll help and so will Genma." Genma grumbled but didn't contest the statement. "I'll make sure Ranma doesn't cause trouble." Ryoga said. Kuno knelt before Abri. "I will protect you." "Forget me?" a small old lady said and walked over. "Cologne," Ranma said in distaste. "Your assistance is welcome." Abri said. Akane yelled out, "I'm going and Ranma you can't stop.." "I want you to go, Akane." he said. She gaped. Nabiki and Kasumi exchanged glances. "Are we invited?" "Of course," Abri answered. They were all in. They sat around and introduced themselves. * * "The attack commences soon." Cologne said. Feithe nodded. She stood and faced Ukyo. "We need a Sailor Mars and you are next in line for it. Do you accept?" Ukyo was stunned. She would be Mars? "Of course," she said trying to sound brave. The henshin stick she gave Ukyo was not the one Mars had before. Feithe handed the other Senshi their new sticks. "This is your next power up. It is princess power." They heard an explosion. Sabere and Hakere stood. "Time to go." And they all teleported away. *******