F.K.N.S. STARWARS/XANTH A Jupiter arranged the group: Brand, Eru, Nobuko, Madison, Latis, Ro Laren, Coman, and herself. They gathered in the rubble of what used to be the Height. It served as a reminder and the sight renewed their vigor. She asked the others opinion how they should start. Madison, Sonny, spoke first. "We must tell him about us, if we don't we fight like cowards." Brand nodded complete agreement. Latis spoke up. She had green hair in a loose braid at her neck and had dark skin. Her eyes were sky blue, but when angered they turned flame red. "We should do something in the spirit of Szanth to announce our arrival. Admiral Reir most likely does not believe in magic, so he would not believe in talent or power." Eru nodded, then said, "I have an idea." Brand was smiling mischeviously. They'd obviously discussed this idea over their Soulink. She continued, "We can make a bubble in space. I can fill it with air and make it big enough for us." Laren shook her head. "Even if we had air, we'd still freeze." She noticed Brand's grin widen. "You can't produce enough heat." Madison caught on and joined in the smile. "Maybe not by herself, but we have three fire talented people here. Latis is the Elemental Adept and I also have the fire talent. Together we could do it." Nobuko spoke up shyly, "I thought you refused to use your fire talent." She was new in the IUB and didn't know people very well yet. However, Feithe had trained her. Madison smiled gently, an odd expression for her. She looked at the younger girl and said, "My soulmate has taught me more than a few things about myself." She looked to Laren. "Sorry to burst your bubble." Laren glared at her for the use of the pun, but Jupiter intervened. "It's the Szantian atmosphere, it happens to everyone. Puns and jokes are rampant here." she said. "How will we communicate with the Star Destroyer?" she asked. Coman spoke up. "I can relay the message." Jupiter smiled. "Good, get everything set up." The others went to work, but Jupiter waylayed Madison. "As I understand it, you can hold up to five talents. It would be of great use to know what you have now." "I can hold ten talents." Madison corrected. "However, I only hold eight at one time. Otherwise, if someone with a talent touches me, one of my previous talents that I depend upon might disappear." Jupiter nodded understanding. Madison answered her question. "Fire, fast healing, telempathy, and weather are the ones that stay. My temps are: teleportation, semi-immortality, changing into felines, and changing into birds." The last was said with a touch of distaste. Jupiter wasn't sure why. Eru reported. "We are ready." * They made the bubble before they teleported. Then, ported it to a position not too far from the Star Destroyer.