Beky Sarver "Alterations and Revisions" Chapter 2 Luna would readily admit that the events of the past 24 hours were rushing by her at a tremendous rate. She still didn't know quite what was going on. The one thing that she resolved to do was discover Xalen's true title. She looked up at the woman who was carrying her. "Xalen, what exactly are you?" Artemis chimed in, "Yeah. I mean, some people call you Queen, some General, some no title." Xalen grinned sheepishly at Nabiki, who was holding Artemis and leading them to Tatewaki's house. "Do you really want to know that bad?" They both nodded, and Nabiki chuckled. "They do deserve an explanation." Xalen sighed. "Hemmed in on all sides. Ok, here goes. I am a native of the traveling planet of Zalondon. We don't believe in royalty. It seems silly to us. Just because someone's parents were capable adminstrators doesn't mean that they will be." Nabiki smiled. "Keep going." Xalen glared with mock anger at her. "Anyway, Zalondon is ruled by a council of Generals. Generals are chosen by accomplishments, intelligence, heart, and most of all, leadership. I am General Xalen of Zalondon. But back after Emperor Hubris died and his brother took off with their planet and left, the very first Serenity ever had a nasty little girl on her hands and a compulsory court that hated her (with good reason). Since I was the only general who looked the right age, and in charge of interplanetary affairs, too, I got elected to go undercover. I pretended to be a 'princess' and took a Warrior's Oath to Serenity and her daughter. The Queen part came 500 years later, when I married a king. Not my idea at ALL (being called a queen that is, I loved the king.)" Luna nodded. "So how did you come to be a time traveler?" Xalen's face became sorrowful. "I was born with the talent of making people forget things. I've since aquired time traveling." She sighed. "The Silver Millenium started when a silver energy barrier surrounded Solaran, our Solar System, cutting it off from friends and enemies. I was fine as long as Jarvis and the others of his generation were alive. I had many children and loved them very much. But his generation died off in sixty years, and I felt very alone. I was given a chance to become a time traveler and see my home again. I took it. Saeblin and Faolin joined me a few years later. Its noised about in history texts that I died of a broken heart." They walked in silence till they came up to a mansion. Nabiki pushed a button, and a short servant came up to the gate. "Yes?" She gestured for Xalen to go ahead. "May I please speak to Tatewaki?" The servant blinked. "I'll go ask Master Kuno." A few minutes later, a young man with short dark hair, traditional Japanese clothing, and a bokken strapped across his back walked up to the gate. "I am the great Tatewaki Kuno. Why do you wish to converse with me?" Xalen looked him over dubiously. "You're sure you're Tatewaki? I'm looking for an old friend of mine." Nabiki grimaced. "Yes, this is the same Tatewaki." He was taking affront. "Are you challenging me to prove my identity?" Xalen smiled and nodded. "Yes." The boy smirked. "I shall give you five minutes to prepare yourself for defeat. I will join you then." Xalen nodded and walked over to the side of the gate. Artemis seemed disgusted. "Why do we have to awaken such a pompous fool?" Xalen chuckled. "Well, we have to have a representative of earth, if that's where we're going to protect, neh?" Artemis smiled wryly. "Well, if you put it that way." Luna stepped in. "Aren't you going to transform?" Xalen blinked. "Transform? Why?" The cats were at a loss. "Well, that makes you stronger and increases your abilities." Xalen chuckled and pulled a sword out of her pocket dimension. "I don't need the help. I have 1,000 years of the lad'or under my belt. All I have to do is touch him, after all. Besides, my people don't transform. The Senshi transform to maximize the effects of their Zalondonian genes. Mine are ALWAYS maxed out." Nabiki was smiling enigmatically. The cats looked at her suspiciously. If the Queen of Pluto was anything like they remembered her to be, then she was up to something. Unfortunately, Kuno strode out before they could ask any more questions. He drew a katana off his back. "Are you prepared?" Xalen grinned predatorily and quickly got into a defensive stance, her sword before her. "Believe me when I say I'm really, really sorry about this Tatewaki." He snorted. "Die!" He charged her with his sword in a sequence of overhead strikes. Each one was easily parried by Xalen. She touched his hand lightly. "Remember!" He blinked, and lowered the sword. He bowed. "Your Majesty. Please forgive me." She dragged him up off the ground. "Good to have you back, Tatewaki. Your older brother needs your help." He looked at her alertly. "Endymion is in trouble? How?" Luna and Artemis realized that this was Darien's little brother from the Silver Millenium. Xalen shook her head. "It's a long story. I'll tell you when I get you all together. Just two more to go." He nodded. "Who's next?" Xalen concentrated. "Ukyo. She and Naru are the only ones left. But no one knows where Naru went to." A fleeting thought went through Luna's head, but she shook it off. They simply couldn't mean Naru Osaka. Too much of a coincidence. Tatewaki shrugged. "Ucchan's is not far away. Shall we go?" Nabiki nodded. "Let's." * Cologne had never been frightened of Son-In-Law and his friends. But their expressions were scaring her. Akane had out a blacksmith's hammer, much more dangerous than her normal mallet. Ranma had produced two jeweled daggers from nowhere. Shampoo WASN'T producing her bonbori. Mousse had taken out a pen. Kasumi, normally never one to fight, had produced a tall brown staff. A scream came from out in the street. Akane peered out the window. "Youma!" They all raced out and after monster. Cologne followed to see what would happen. The monster was the size of a small building, green, with tentacles. This didn't daunt the teens, however. Ranma lept into the air, a stylized green four appearing on his forehead. Cologne realized with a start that it was the symbol of Jupiter. His daggers were pointed at the creature. "Moko Takabisha!" Instead of letting off a blast of chi energy, the daggers themselves were charged with pure chi. The two energy daggers embedded themselves in the monster, and it screamed in pain. Kasumi pointed her staff at the youma, whispering, "Disrupting Ray!" a ripple effect shook the monster. The two attacks distracted the monster long enough for the others to, what did Xalen call it, "transform"? Ryoga pulled out a crown with an aqua blue stone on it from nowhere. He placed it on his head. "Neptune King Power!" Blue light washed over his body, erasing his ragged clothes and replacing them with armor of silver and a shade of blue the same as the stone in the crown. The sigil Cologne recognized as the astronomical sign of Neptune appeared on the crown, armor, and sword. An ocean wave splashed in the distance. He landed in a lordly stance, hand on his sword hilt. Shampoo put a crown on her head bearing a golden heart in the center. "Venus Queen Power!" Golden hearts surrounded her, changing her clothes to leather skirted armor and boots. Wind whipped around her body, bearing her down slowly. She landed with a selfconfident smile, her fingers in a V symbol above her head. Her waist bore a pair of golden sais, marked with the sign of Venus. Mousse put a crown on his head with a light blue stone in the center. "Mercury King Power!" His body seemed to freeze, then the ice cracked, revealing Mousse in white blue and golden armor, without his customary glasses. In his hand was a golden pen, held as if he was about to write on the air. He was adorned with Mercury's symbol. Akane took her own crown out. The crystal it bore was obsidian. "Saturn Queen Power!" She was surrounded by fiery heat of a forge. She stood on an anvil, and a hammer clanged. Her clothing dropped, revealing a dark purple edged leather armor similar to Shampoo's. She landed holding a war hammer in a threatening posture. Its head was marked with the sign of Saturn. King Neptune drew his sword and pointed it at the youma. "Tidal Wave!" A wave of blue energy flowed over the creature, and it staggered. Meanwhile, King Mercury was brandishing his pen in the air. "Mercury Glacial Wind!" An icy whirlwind spun the monster in the air, letting it down in a half frozen heap. Queen Venus drew her sais. "Venus Sais Beam!" Twin beams of energy shot out form the short weapons, putting out a constant beam. Venus was sweating, but didn't falter, and she used them to carve up the monster's hide. Queen Saturn hefted her large battle hammer. "Saturn Silence Wave!" She slammed the head of her hammer into the ground and a black wave erupted from it, overwhelming the creature. Now it was barely standing, but it let out an energy blast, which was dodged by all the fighters. Ranma was transforming now. His crown sported a peridot lighting bolt. "Jupiter King Power!" Twirling daggers surrounded him, seeming to cut his clothes into a set of green and silver armor. Another pair of jeweled daggers were suddenly in his hands, as lightning crashed behind him dramatically. Kasumi was not transforming. Instead, she pointed her staff again, and whispered, "Fire Storm!" A fiery explosion erupted next to the youma. An amused exclamation came from a nearby street. "Hey, Keglani, quit stealing my attacks! Mars Fire Mountain!" A mountain of fire crashed into the youma. From beside a queen Mars, a short haired man in blue and black armor with a blue lightning symbol on it threw a volley of roses. They flew towards the youma. On Mars' other side stood a woman in black leather armor, her crown bearing a transluscent obsidian stone. "Dimensional Thrust!" A black portal flew at the monster. The eight attacks all hit at the same time, and with a large explosion, the youma disappeared. Xalen chuckled from behind Mars and... Earth? "I think you guys overdid it a little." The fighters blushed. Jupiter twirled his daggers. "Haven't lost it." Saturn shook her head. "None of us have. We have even more power than we did back then." Mars walked over amiably. "Sorry I'm late." She pointed to Kasumi. "But it seems that you found a fire starter." Kasumi blushed. "Thank you, Queen Mars. I was just starting to remember some simple spells." Earth walked over, and Saturn looked at him with an amused expression on her face. He knelt at her feet. "Will you forgive me, Queen Saturn? And you as well, King Jupiter." As one, the couple helped him up. Jupiter responded, eyes twinkling, "As long as you leave Saturn to me." Saturn nodded. "We've waited too long." Venus walked over. "I have no intention of interfering. You two have earned it." Saturn blushed. "Thank you, Queen Venus." King Mercury was chuckling. "I think we've all been acting pretty idiotically." Xalen looked apologetic. "I'm sorry. Nabiki was explaining what's happened to me. I had no idea that fate would screw your lives up so much to keep you together." Neptune's smile was broad. "My Neptunian nature can really come out, now. I like this world. And I've seen most of it." Pluto shrugged. "I can't say I'm too upset about how things turned out." Saturn and Jupiter looked at each other sheepishly. "Well, we got what we asked for, if not as we had in mind." Mercury responded quietly, "I have my chance to fulfill my honor debt." Mars smiled. "This new world ain't bad, sugar. Good food." Earth pulled out his sword and swung it experimentally. "I'm still part of a royal house. And the first born as well." Venus looked disappointed. "I'll admit it, I'm lonely here. I try to fall in love, and who do I fall for but Jupiter! And Great Grandmother has isolated me from friends, too." Cologne was not made happy by that comment. She was simply trying to forge the girl into the leader she had the potential to be. Mercury seemed affronted. "I'll be your friend any day!" Saturn nodded. "You're welcome in my forge." Jupiter tossed a dagger to her. "I think you'll do better at this type of fighting, now. Can't wait to find out." Pluto smiled mysteriously. "As long as you pay me." When the laughter had broken out, she grinned. "You know me. I'll always stick by you." Earth knelt before her on one knee. "You are indeed beautiful, Queen Venus." Mars grinned. "I need all the friends I can get." Kasumi gave the girl a hug. Venus seemed to be overwhelmed by this attention. She nodded her thanks. Cologne realized this wouldn't hold them for long. It was obvious that Shampoo was under some witch's control, probably Xalen. She had to go consult some friends and come back with reinforcements. If they were this powerful, she'd need help. She grabbed her staff and leapt off into the distance. * Luna and Artemis looked around in a fond remembrance. These were the royalty they remembered, strong and united. And as soon as they realized that the cats were there, they began giving them the most wonderful scratches. Suddenly a frightening thought went through Luna's head. "Artemis! Where will the Senshi think we've gone?" Artemis' eyes widened. "You're right! We have to get back right away!" Xalen smiled reassuringly. "You two are forgetting my talent. You'll be back moments after you left." They sighed in relief. Then the whole group decided to meet in the nearby Nekohanten. They all detransformed and sat around, waiting to be briefed. Xalen cleared her throat. "You're children are all safe. They did defeat the Dark Kingdom." A mass sigh of relief was heard around the room. Many of the kings and queens had been afraid that their children had been killed. Xalen grimaced. "But the Silver Crystal screwed up. So, the Senshi's memories are very, very different. They think that they're part of a musical group called the Sailor Senshi. Except for Sailor Pluto of course, who was outside of time." Ranma's face firmed up. "Is Makoto alright?" Xalen nodded. "Yes. They are fine, they just possess the wrong memories. So they're unable to fight this large youma threat we've observed. I'm asking you to do it temporarily." Nabiki looked at her critically. "What are you going to do about their memories? They have to be put back." Xalen nodded. "I agree completely. My plan is to track down the Emerald, locate the Silver Crystal, and fix it. Saeblin, Faolin, and Sailor Pluto are already searching for it. They'll get a list of the people who we need to bring to obtain access." No one could see anything wrong with this plan. So Mousse adressed the next problem. "What do we want to do about everyday life? I think if I stop chasing Shampoo, Ranma and Akane get along, Nabiki stops extorting money, etc., people are going to become suspicious and probe deeper." Kasumi looked determined. "I think we should be honest about our new personalities, if not our identities. There's no point in hiding it." Nabiki smiled. "I agree." Ryoga nodded. "I'm going to have to stick around town for a while till we get this cleared up." Ukyo offered, "I've got plenty of room. Want a job?" He smiled. "Sure. Why not?" Akane set her jaw. "I'm NOT pretending to dislike Ranma." Ranma nodded. "We're getting married, and that's final." Kasumi sighed. "That's going to cause problems, but I think can smooth it over with Father and Mr. Saotome. I don't know if they are going to believe it, though." Shampoo yawned loudly. "Shampoo tired. We go bed now?" Ukyo nodded. "We can meet at my place tomorrow." Xalen smiled. "Thank you all. I owe you big." Mousse snorted. "Hardly. We all volunteered to be reborn for personal reasons. This is simply our duty. So, thank YOU, Queen Xalen." She glared, but didn't say anything. Ukyo and Ryoga walked out together, heading to Ucchan's. Nabiki and Kasumi talked on their way home, allowing Ranma and Akane privacy. Kuno walked home, deep in thought, by himself. Mousse and Shampoo retired upstairs. Luna yawned. "Tiring for us, too. And we still have a full day ahead of us." Xalen picked up the two cats, and the nausea passed over them. They appeared in the middle of the path, and walked a few hours in the past. She teleported them back to the park that morning amongst the recovering youma victims. "I'll find you guys later, ok?" Artemis nodded. "See you, Xalen." * Pluto was surprised by how much she'd come to enjoy Nephryte's.... no, Nephrale's company in the past few hours. (Hours being very, very relative). Especially since their other two companions were engaged in a highly esoteric conversation. He smiled at her. "So, how has life been, Setsuna? Since your rebirth, I mean." She sighed. "Things in general have gone well, but I can't claim to have had much of a life." She remembered being good friends with the mage back in the Silver Millenium. "Guarding the paths of time is a lonely job." His eyes were compassionate. "Never tempted to run a side life? Go back to say, the Lost Millenium, settle down in some obscure little village somewhere?" She shook her head and chuckled. "I think if I did I'd quit walking the paths of time. But its a nice thought." Nephrale looked at her sidelong. "You're still waiting for him, aren't you? You're saving yourself for him." She looked at him in shock, then her shoulders slumped. "Yes, I am. Did he forget me completely?" Nephrale was sad. "He forgot who he was, what he could do. He became the least powerful of the generals, when he was actually the most powerful. But he never forgot that he had a love somewhere. Whenever some pretty whore would offer herself to him, he always found an excuse to say no. He still loved you, I think." She smiled faintly. "Well, that's something. I wish I could get him out of Eternal Sleep, but it is beyond my power." Faolin and Saeblin took that moment to drop back and speak with them. The red head looked curious, but didn't ask. She simply changed the subject. "We're approaching the Silver Millenium. The question is, when do we want to show up?" Pluto shrugged. "What exactly are we trying to do?" Faolin explained. "We're going to appear in Japan, on Earth, no matter what time we go into. We're trying to find a spaceship. There are advantages and disadvantages to anywhere." Saeblin added. "I'm currently voting for the first century of the Silver Millenium. Xalen can help us then. Though we can't be recognized by anyone else, since travel to the Traveling Planets was impossible." Nephrale shook his head. "If we were caught, it would have major repercussions. Perhaps just before the Silver Barrier appeared? Where were you both?" Saeblin blinked. "I was on Merce. No problem there." Faolin concentrated. "Um, I was on Zalondon. If any of Xalen's attendants... but no, none would be Zalondonian. Because there were no Zalondonians in Solaran except her when the barrier formed. Few would take her company as royalty. I remember they became a little more distant. They regretted it when the Barrier formed and their General was left alone in a foreign land." Pluto nodded. "How shall we disguise ourselves?" Saeblin furrowed her brow. "Minor nobility. Common in the palace, impossible to notice." She snorted. "Not that we HAVE such things on Merce, but whatever." Pluto changed her Sailor fuku to a her princess dress, but without the symbol of Pluto on her forehead, she could be any minor noblewoman. Saeblin and Faolin adopted the same dresses that they'd used to pretend to be princesses and part of the first ever princess' court. Saeblin wore a pretty green and gold dress, meeting soft leather boots. Faolin changed into a similar dress ensemble in silver and red. Nephrale asked, "Is dressing as a mage sufficient?" After receiving nods from the two, he pulled a black obsidian staff covered with constellations from his pocket dimension. He tapped it on the ground authoritatively, and his ragged clothing changed to armor in aqua blue and silver, the astronomical sign of Uranus inscribed in several places. By will, he simplified it into simple blue and silver armor. Pluto smiled. "You look good in your real uniform, Nephrale." He grinned. "Thank you. As much as it pains me to remove the sign of Uranus from my armor, I know it is for a good cause." Saeblin seemed amused. "Can we go now?" The other three nodded at her. She, Pluto, and Faolin all took Nephrale's hands and staff and concentrated. After a brief feeling of nausea, they stood on the path again. Nephrale was confused. "Why didn't we do that before?" Faolin laughed. "We wanted to let you and Setsuna talk." Then they again concentrated, beginning their journey into the end of the Crimson Millenium. * Luna and Artemis began to pad towards Rei's shrine, where the girls had decided to meet today. Luna turned towards Artemis, "There is something Xalen isn't telling us." Artemis nodded. "Yeah, she was evading our questions. But I think she probably has a good reason." Luna sighed. "You're probably right. I'm just being paranoid." Artemis nuzzled her. "You've got plenty of reason. We've been through a lot in the past year." Luna was downcast. "I hope we can give them back their memories. It isn't right that they should lose a year of their life. No one should." They walked the rest of the way in silence, arriving a the Hikawa Shrine to the sound of music. They walked into the den and saw that the Senshi were making the music. Ami was playing the piano. Mina was playing the guitar. Serena, Rei, and Darien were singing. Makoto was banging on the drums. And they were playing a beautiful song. It was a song of love and friendship. When it was done, Luna and Artemis could do nothing but cheer. Serena ran up and scooped up Luna. "Where have you been?" Mina was chastising Artemis similarly. He responded for both of them. "We just wanted to spend some time in the park this morning." Makoto laughed. "Sure, Artemis. You and a nice lady cat, just SPENDING TIME in the park. Why don't you just admit it was a date?" Luna was scandalized. "It was NOT a date." The ribbing didn't end for some time. Finally Ami came and rescued Luna. Luna found herself outside in short order. Ami looked at her levelly. "Luna, what's going on?" Luna looked around innocently. "Nothing." Ami crossed her hands in front of her chest. "This morning I stared at someone while they managed to sneak up behind me. When I look back, you're gone. Something isn't right." Luna tried to distract her. "Are you saying you were following us this morning?" Ami grimaced. She'd stepped right into that one. "Yes. I was. The question is: what are you up to?" Luna took on a lecturing tone. "It's not very nice to spy on people, you know. I would think that you, of all the Senshi, would be the least likely to do such a vulgar thing." Ami was on the defensive now. "You two have been acting strange ever since that night at the North Pole. I want to know what's wrong." Luna sighed. "Ami, the night you are referring to was a turning point in our lives. We simply feel... disorientated." Ami nodded. "Okay. I'll leave it at that. But anytime that you need to talk, I'm here." Luna nodded. "Thank you, Ami." Ami went back into the Shrine, while Luna simply sat and thought. * The time was a century prior to the Silver Millenium. Now, Tokyo was a large deserted forest. No one noticed the arrival of four well dressed travelers. Nephale concentrated. "Where is the palace at this point in time?" Faolin translated it into terms they could all understand. "Mesopatamia, I believe. In the middle. The palace is stonework, if that helps." He nodded and held his staff. "Teleportation!" A gut wrenching change took them to another wood, but the Palace of Earth was in sight. A well traveled and crowded road led to its gate. They joined the crowd, and were swept into the beautiful palace adorned with roses. Nephrale and Pluto were impressed. The other two simply rolled their eyes and led farther into the palace. Faolin spoke to several of the surrounding people, then returned. "We're in luck. Xalen's on a diplomatic trip here." They forged their way through the crowd through the shiny halls of the palace. They gained a spot in the observation galley among many minor nobility. They had an excellent view of the courtroom. Two thrones adorned the front of the room. On the right sat a broad, dark haired and bearded man in obviously royal armor. His eyes were surrounded by crinkles, and his dark beard was streaked by gray. Between the thrones was a crystal rose in a cylindrical case. On the left sat a woman with long dark hair and blue eyes. Her demeanor was one of dignity. Upon both royales crowns stood roses made of ruby. The courtiers on the ground floor all rose and began to clap. A woman with long dark hair in a long white dress walked slowly down towards the crowd. She wore a crown with the crescent moon upon it. The Moon Sceptre was in her hand. It took Pluto several seconds to identify her of Xalen, Queen of the Moon. She was shocked. Xalen was the Queen of the Moon? No wonder the others were so deferential. Xalen curtsied deeply to the thrones. Earth's reigning king and queen stood and bowed in return. They remained standing as the three spoke together. Faolin pointed for Nephrale's sake. "That's Xalen, the one we're here for." Saeblin hushed her as several of those around them began to look at them suspiciously. They left the balcony and made their way downstairs. Saeblin gestured for them to wait, which they did for several minutes. The space around the doors emptied quickly, and the time travelers were forced back a bit. Out the doors, Xalen and a group of guards strode. Where they passed, the crowd parted. The time travelers attempted to follow them. The captain of Xalen's guard was a keen man, and noticed. "Guards, sieze them!" The time travelers found themselves surrounded by Xalen's bodyguard. They were unable to escape. The guards produced manacles. The queen herself turned to them, an intruiged expression on her face. "Tankin, what do you mean?" He saluted, pounding his fist to his chest. "Your Majesty, they were following us. I believe they had bad intentions." She laughed lightly. "I'm glad you're so cautious of my welfare, Tankin. But they were probably just trying to attract my attention." Saeblin nodded and bowed on one knee. "My apologies, Your Majesty. We have news of great importance." Xalen turned to her captain. "This is the Baroness Sibal. If memory serves, she is accompanied by the Duchess Fanah. And who are your other companions?" Faolin bowed. "May I introduce Countess Nari and Star Mage Nepeh?" Xalen smiled. "Pleased to meet you. Will you accompany me to my rooms?" The guard opened up, and the entire party marched into a huge bedroom. Xalen gestured for her guards to leave, and they did so, grumbling. She immediately lost her light tone. She circled around them. "Saeblin and Faolin, you are vacationing right now. But I'd be willing to believe that you're involved in some incredible intruige and have fooled my spies." Faolin and Saeblin smiled. Faolin asked. "So we are. What's the problem, Xalen?" Xalen studied them. "The specialization of Star Mage is only now being invented. So, he cannot possibly be one. Unless you're all from the future." Saeblin grinned. "Guilty as charged." Xalen relaxed, smiled, and gave her friends each a big hug. "You don't know how I've missed you. Even if you're from the wrong time. So, going to really intoduce your friends to me?" Faolin nodded. "This is Nephrale, Consort King and First Mage of Uranus, a Star Mage. And this is Princess Setsuna of Pluto." Saeblin's face was serious now. "We need help to solve a serious problem in the future." Xalen smiled wryly. "I'd guessed that. People don't tend to visit for purely social reasons. What can I do for you?" Faolin grimaced. "We have need of the Emerald's services. Can you get us a spaceship?" Xalen smiled. "I can do better than that." She searched the thin air and came up with a map. "This shows its current location. I went searching five years ago. What kind of ship do you want?" Saeblin answered, "An ore miner/transport. Big enough for maybe twenty people." Xalen nodded. "I have something more suited for you, I think. I can't get a ship for you here on Earth, but I can lend you my personal pinnace." She put her hands on her hips and mock glared at her. "You'd better bring it back in one piece." Faolin reassured her, "Not a scratch." * Artemis went to bed extremely tired that night. He'd had a very, very, long day. At least Mina hadn't realized something was wrong. He woke up seemingly seconds after he fell asleep. Mrs. Aino was shaking him. "Excuse me mister, but its lunchtime. You've no excuse to sleep so late." He blinked. "Lunch time?" He scrambled up, and his stomach loudly made its needs obvious. Mrs. Aino shook her head. "There are pankakes downstairs, lazy chops. " He bounded down the stairs. A plate of syrup covered pankakes lay there. He gulped them down, then looked up. "Where's Mina?" Mrs. Aino chuckled. "At school. She'll be home in a few hours." Artemis smiled. "Thanks." As he went out the newly appeared cat door, he wondered what was happening with the kings and queens. * That day at Furinkan High was certainly unique. Ranma and Akane walked to school hand in hand. As they entered the gates, the students stood chatting in circles, as they usually did, waiting for the typical Ranma/Kuno fight of the day. This was a fairly normal situation. What was unusual was the appearance of Kuno. He cleared a path for the couple. "Stand back, peasants, and allow them to pass freely." The Furinkan students stared in shock. Kuno was acting so strange. Usually he would be the first to attack Ranma. Those nearest to the swordsman prepared to restrain him and bring him to the infirmary. Quicker than the eye could see, Akane was holding a large hammer. Ranma's hands were taken up by jeweled daggers. Kuno was standing next to them, a real sword in his hands. The students thought twice, split, and ran. Ranma smiled at Kuno. "Thanks." Kuno bowed. "I started this tradition. 'Tis simply my duty to oppose it." Akane gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "It's still sweet of you." The school started to buzz with gossip. Nabiki kept an ear out and made sure that none were too believable. The next surprise was Ukyo wearing a skirt. And not flirting, either. She simply walked in and took her seat. Mrs. Hinako looked at the subdued class suspiciously. What was going on? There weren't any obvious delinquents. Ranma found an anonomous challenge letter on his desk. "Meet me at the school athletics grounds." The populace breathed a sigh of relief. That was a nice, normal event. But instead of jumping up and proclaiming his acceptance, Ranma fingered it slowly. A nearby girl, Megumi, looked at him strangely. "Aren't you going to accept, Ranma?" He stood up, and the classroom fell silent. "First the challenger must identify himself." A young man with a mace at the side of his desk stood up and matched him. "It is I, Toshi Sharitome. I've heard your a coward." Ranma grinned. "I'm no coward. I'll prove it." Toshi's eyebrow rose. "How?" Ranma stared him down. "I'll refuse your challenge. I won't beat up on innocent youngsters." Toshi was scandalized. "I'll show you how innocent I am!" He grabbed his mace and headed straight at Ranma. Ranma waited till the attacker was in his grip, then let loose a simple arm strike to his neck. His erstwhile challenger fell to the ground unconcious. The other students placed the unfortunate new student back into his desk, mace underneath him. Ranma remained standing as the others sat. He addressed them. "Till now I've accepted every challenge thrown at me. This has been manifestly unfair. It stops today. Any challenger who thinks he is worthy of me shall present himself, and I will judge. I am not subject to the general whims of a bunch of..." He searched for a properly formal word, and failed. "idiots." Then he sat down, and Mrs. Hinako continued on with the lesson, though she was shaken. Furinkan High had been turned upside down. * Luna was being carried with Serena as Serena walked, well, ran to school. Halfway to the Juuban Middle School, Naru joined them. The two girls chatted amiably. The sun was shining, the sky blue, and the birds were chattering. Yet, Luna felt something... wrong with it all. Perhaps it was a bit of precognition. Was something about to go very wrong? Or was she just being paranoid? * Ryoga and Ukyo were sitting in her restaurant, talking of old times and new. Ryoga smiled. "You know, I can't use the Shi Shi Hokodan anymore. I tried." Ukyo chuckled. "I guess its that sunny, spontaneous nature of Neptunians, hmm?" Ryoga nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. Ukyo, do you think we can do it?" She looked lost. "Do what?" He sighed. "Live in this time, I mean. After our recent personal history, I feel terrible every time I see Ranma or Akane. And she still doesn't know." Ukyo comiserated. "I didn't exactly cover myself with glory, either." Then, her ears perked and she shuddered. "Something's wrong... its Rei!" Ryoga gasped. "Do you know where she is?" Ukyo shook her head. Ryoga's face firmed. "I have a certain flare for appearing where I need to be. Let's transform and go find her." Ukyo took out a crown with a red stone boasting the sign of Mars in black. It was adorned with ruby flames. She put it on. "Mars Queen Power!" Her body became pure flame, and wings flared, then disappeared. Her appearance became corporeal once more, and she was wearing red leather armor. Her spatula and bandalier of microspatulas were secure. Ryoga transformed with his trademark ocean wave effect, and they raced out. * Rei was walking to school, alone. She was often alone. Of course, if she revealed her identity as a Sailor Senshi, she would be instantly popular. But they wouldn't like her for herself, but for her famousness. She'd rather have a few friends like Serena and Ami, who liked her for herself. Even if Serena was annoying, she was a loyal friend. Rei chuckled to herself. Serena had no idea how many times she'd gotten Rei through tough times. Rei certainly wasn't going to say anything. She heard a roar and looked up. Before stood her a zombie. She stood her ground. This was NOT a funny prank! ZZZZ!!! Black energy erupted from the zombie's hands, and it struck her. Pain filled her. Then she heard a venomous voice. "Get off her, you big oaf!" The zombie, distracted, stopped hurting her and turned to the new arrivals. The speaker was a woman with long brown hair, a beautiful crown, and red leather armor. Beside her stood a man in silver and blue armor, with a different crown. The woman threw a volley of small, sharp spatulas at the zombie, several of which embedded themselves in him. He laughed. The woman cried, "Fire Volley!" The spatulas turned to pure white chi, and the monster keened in pain. "Tidal Wave!" A large wave of blue energy washed through the monster. He staggered. The woman pointed her large combat spatula at him. "Inferno!" A wall of flames surrounded the zombie, burning him to ashes. With that, the woman knelt next to her. She touched her shoulder. "Mars Healing!" Rei felt her health return, and she blinked as the two ran off into the distance. She stood and collected her things. She'd tell Luna and Artemis about this. The others didn't need to know. * King Neptune held a weeping Queen Mars in his arms. After a while, she straightened. "Did you see her, Neptune? Her first reaction was one of bravery. She wasn't scared." Neptune nodded. "Rei always has been courageous. Don't worry, Mars, we'll keep her safe." Mars nodded. "Thank you, Neptune. Let's get back to Ucchans before I embarass myself again." They detransformed and walked together to the restaurant. * Luna blinked as the bad premonition passed. She shrugged. Whatever. * Pluto found herself gawking. Xalen, now back to looking like the queen she was, was leading them up to the entrance to a warship. It's side read "The General." The guards saluted, but looked at her curiously. She smiled. "They're with me. Open the door." The door slid open, the guard entering and standing at attention on the outside walked in and took up posts there. Xalen's entourage swept into the ship and led them to the bridge. The captain saluted. "We'll have you back home in a short, Your Majesty." She nodded. "Thank you, Captain Tashi. Continue on." The ship lifted up and into orbit. The ride was smooth, and Pluto was reminded of her parents' ship back in the Silver Millenium. Suddenly, the ship shook. A nearby crewman ran up. "Sir, the Hanili are attacking! Five ships." Xalen's clothes shifted into her familiar leather garb, and she walked up to the Captain. "I'm taking command." He nodded and vacated the chair. "Aye, aye, General." She looked at the viewscreen. "Get me a lock on the first one. Where is First Mage?" A blond haired man approached. "I'm here, General." She gestured in the air and pulled out the a crystal. Pluto recognized it as the Silver Imperium Crystal. "I'll take the two on the left, you take the one on the right." He nodded. "Understood." He produced a white staff topped with a crescent moon. She turned to the captain. "Captain, use the ship weapons to attack the middle ship." He nodded. "Aye, aye. Prepare the batteries!" She grasped the Silver Imperium Crystal in a fist. She held it in the air. "Moon Cosmic Purification!" The white energy that surrounded her passed harmlessly through the ship's walls and illuminated two of the enemy ships' hulls. The mage waved his staff. "Desintegration!" He pointed it at one ship, and it crumbled to pieces. "Rupture!" A large bubble formed on another ship's hull, cracking it in half. The General dived in, energy weapons burning its enemy ship to ashes. Pluto realized that the other two ships had been destroyed. Xalen didn't appear too tired, but Pluto knew that it was a facade. Xalen concentrated, and her dress reappeared. She changed from a competent officer to a dignified queen, vacating the captain's chair. He bowed. "Thank you, Your Majesty." She smiled. "Get me to the Moon as fast as this ship can move, Captain. I'm tired." He nodded. "Of course, Sire. Full thrusters!" The ship was soon docking with a port on the Moon's surface. As the hatch opened, Pluto gasped with wonder. A full contingent of elite Moon Troops stood at attention. They carried swords and all bore crescent moons on their foreheads. She couldn't remember ever having seen so many soldiers, elite soldiers at that, in one place. During the Silver Millenium, soldiers had been mostly ornamental, whose job was to protect the royales from assasins. But these men were obviously warriors of the first degree. The five walked up between the lines. Pluto was even more surprised by the next contingent of the Elite Lunar Guard. The sight that greeted her eyes were twenty Lunar cats, all bearing the crescent moon. From their symbol they shined a light, together forming a hall for the queen to walk through. At the end of the hall stood a man with a short brown hair, a kind smile, and dressed elaborately. The tall man was wearing white armor. What the eye was truly drawn to was his crown. It's center was a crescent moon surrounded by nine planets. Around the crown were stones bearing the signs of each of the planets. Pluto didn't know what it represented, but she realized that she was in the presence of a great man. Xalen nearly ran into his arms. He ran and met her, and they met with a whirling hug. She grinned. "Hello, my love. The trip went excellently!" He smiled back. "My Queen, I have heard of your great victory." She shook her head. "Just five ships, Jarvis. Nothing much." He looked at her warily. "Five! Please tell me you didn't take on all of them?" She shook her head again, and mangaged to seem innocent. "Just two. I am tired, though." He nodded. "Then we shall away." Arm in arm, the King and Queen walked off. Pluto blinked as an orange cat walked up to them. He addressed Saeblin. "Rooms have been prepared. Follow me." They followed the cat down a hall, then done some stairs. After a while, they found themselves going deeper and deeper into Luna. There were no people about. When they had reached a run down hatch port, the cat turned to them. "Xalen gave me orders to bring you here. Her message is, 'Not a scratch, y'hear?'." He sighed. "Faolin, Saeblin, this had better be good. See you around, when you get back from your 'vacation'." Saeblin was obviously shocked that he recognized her, but she smiled fondly, bent down, and scratched him between the ears. "Thanks, Carine. I owe you." Faolin joined her. "You're such a wonderful cat." He purred once, then jumped impossibly high to a rafter. He grinned at them. "Take care of yourselves." Then a concerned look crossed his face. "Please, come back soon. She's terribly lonely." Saeblin nodded. "Agreed. Farewell." Then she led them all through the hatch. * Artemis looked around. The girls had met at the shrine again. When Serena and Darien began practicing a duet, Rei pulled Luna and him aside. They sat together outsided. Rei looked troubled. "Guys, I had a disturbing experience today." Luna blinked. "Fire reading? Vision? Premonition?" Rei shook her head. "I was attacked by a monster." Artemis was filled with panic. She'd been attacked. "What happened?" Rei grimaced. "I saw this zombie in the street. He zapped me with some dark energy. I would have died, but two people showed up, in armor. They used some sort of chi attacks to destroy it, healed me, and left. Am I going crazy?" Artemis relaxed. "What did the people in armor look like?" Rei concentrated. "The guy was wearing blue and silver armor, with a sword and a crown. The girl was in red leather armor. Why?" Artemis let this one fall firmly in Luna's court. She gathered her thoughts. "Rei, there is a group of crime fighters called the Planet Royales. That must have been who it was." Rei nodded. "Then I'm not crazy. Thanks, guys. Could you keep this quiet? I'd be embarassed if the others found out." Artemis nodded. "No problem, Rei." Rei walked back into the Shrine, leaving the cats around. Artemis turned to Luna. "Mars and Neptune, I suppose." Luna nodded. "There may be a connection between Mars and her daughter. We should ask them later." Artemis sighed. "Let's go back inside. We have a rehearsal going." Luna chuckled. "They're quite good, you know." Artemis nodded. "Sure they are, if you're a music lover. I'm not. C'mon, let's go." * Kasumi looked around at the mess in the house. She didn't have time to clean it. She was on her way to Ucchan's to meet with the others. That left Father and Mr. Saotome. Kasumi had been servile for some time, but she would bear it no longer. No longer was she the untalented daughter of Soun Tendo, but instead she was the First Mage of Earth. She walked into the livingroom, where the two men were playing shogi. She smiled cheerfully. "Thank you both for volunteering to do the dishes. I appreciate it. See you later!" She left, keeping an eye on the house. The two men seemed confused at first, but then went and began to scrub the dirty dishes. Kasumi walked off grinning. * Tatewaki Kuno walked stiffly to Ucchan's. He'd chosen to walk alone because he needed to think. Life had changed drastically. His life during the Silver Millenium had been pleasant. He'd grown up with a wonderful older brother, Endymion. The two had trained in sword play together. It was Tatewaki that Endymion had related his love for the pretty Moon Princess to. But deep down, Tatewaki had trouble being the younger brother. Endymion had been the important one, the heir. He'd been trained in the use of the Crystal Rose. Tatewaki knew that he was simply an understudy, in case something happened to his brother. Not that his parents didn't love him. But they didn't see him as important. The only real favor they'd done him was engaging him to the Heir Princess of Venus. His eyes went dreamy. Mina. She was so beautiful. And they'd been in love. His shoulders slumped. She'd probably forgotten him completely. "Hey, Kuno!" Ranma shouted out congenially. He and Akane approached the depressed boy. Kuno touched his sword, out of habit. Ranma jumped back, eyeing him. Kuno blushed, taking his hand off the hilt. "Forgive me. Habits of a lifetime, even a short one, are difficult to break." Ranma was concerned. "What's wrong, Kuno? You look like you could blow up all of Japan in one Shi Shi Hokodan." Akane put a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, what's wrong?" He shook his head. "Nothing." Ranma's face fell. "I understand. Since we've been fighting so long, you don't trust me." He walked down the street, upset. Kuno gasped. "He misunderstood my meaning." Akane gazed at Ranma. "I think that being the focus of half of Nerima has been bad for him. He'll come around. So, what IS wrong?" He turned to her. "I was thinking of Mina. Do you think she remembers me?" Akane smiled. "I'm sure she does. Deep down, in her heart." She blushed. "Feelings have never been my strong suit." Kuno shook his head. "Thank you, Akane. I must apologize to Ranma." They caught up to Ranma. Kuno knelt in front of me. "Pardon me if I have caused offense." Ranma shook his head. "Its not you. I'm just... well, half of the queens have been engaged to me, and most of the kings have been at blood feud with me. Maybe it'd be easier if I just leave." Kuno's exclamation was slightly behind Akane's. "No. You are the best fighter among us, and a valued friend as well." Ranma smiled faintly, scratching his head embarassedly. "Well, what do you know? I'm your friend, too. Well, we'd better get going to Ucchan's. She'll yell if we're late." * Mousse finished wiping the tables down as Shampoo put up a "CLOSED" sign. He sighed. "This place is harder to run without Cologne here." She nodded. "Shampoo wonder where Great Grandmother is. Oh, well. We need be at Ucchan's in half an hour." Mousse concentrated, and moved his hand around in an invisible space. He smiled and pulled out a small crystal. He held it up. "I still have my locator." Shampoo looked puzzled. "What we need that for?" Mousse chuckled. "No one told Luna or Artemis when we were meeting. Since we have time, I thought it would be a good idea to go get them." As Mousse turned east, and the crystal began to flash. So he and Shampoo started off in that direction. Til then, they had been engaged in work. Now they had time to talk. Shampoo gazed into space. When she spoke, it was in her native Chinese, in which she was quite well spoken. "We all chose rebirth for extremely selfish reasons. You found yourself honor bound to Anila with the world about to end. I was starved for love." She sighed. "My husband was a very hard, cold man. The only time he showed caring was the night we consummated our marriage and the morning Mina was born. Otherwise he found his pleasures, both of a conversational and sexual nature, elsewhere." Mousse's expression was sorrowful. He responded in the same language. "His lack of caring hardly reflects badly on you, Shan Pu. You loved your daughter and ruled your people well. You were the crowned Queen of Venus, and you fulfilled every duty impeccably." She nodded. "I asked for rebirth to find love. But I was trapped with an old woman who wanted to experience her dreams vicariously through her great grand daughter. And when I finally was granted steadfast love, I scorned it, thinking it was pathetic. I'm just as bad as my late husband." Mousse looked stricken. He stopped in midstride and spun her around. "Don't talk that way! You will never be anything like him!" Then he realized just how strong his reaction had been. He removed his hands. "You grew up with Cologne as a role model. What'd you expect to grow into? It's not your fault." Her shoulders were slumped. She seemed to be talking to herself. "And now that I've rejected him all these years, he'll never accept the love that he has earned with his own unconditional, persevering love." Tears began to flow. Mousse was stunned. She was talking about HIM. He looked her in the eye. "Shan Pu, in regaining my memories of the Silver Millenium, I have not forgotten the past seventeen years. I loved Anila. But the love that I have had for you in this life is not something that has simply disappeared. It is as real as any love I have ever had. I still love you." Hope shown in her eyes. She embraced Mousse. "Mu-Tse, I came here to find love. I found it embodied in you. You have shown me true love. Thank you. And I return your love." He smiled. "You do?" She nodded. "I do. If you will accept me, I will love you for the rest of my life." He picked her up and twirled her around. "Shan Pu, will you marry me?" She smiled playfully and did a backwards flip. "Well, to be proper Amazons we should have a duel, but I don't care any more. I will marry you." With that, the happy couple continued to follow the locator down the street, fingers entwined. Five minutes later, they stood before the Hikawa Shrine of Shinto. In the courtyard sat Luna. She started at seeing them, but ran inside and fetched Artemis. He ran out and joined them, while she remained inside. Shampoo returned to Japanese. "Why Luna not join us?" He chuckled. "She likes music more than me, so she's staying with the girls while I'm going to the meeting at the restaurant." Mousse picked him up. "Okay." He glanced at a watch he had secreted in his robe. "We're getting late. Let's go."