This idea came to me in Colonial Latin American History class - along with another, scarier idea I'll be writing out soon. The fic is written in the Sailor Moon series (owned by Naoko Takeuchi). Oh, I'm writing this short so I'm going to be skipping around time a bit. Try and keep up, for it won't make much sense otherwise. Comments are welcome, flames will be sold to Lucifer at a decent exchange rate. "Destiny Can Go To Hell" by Beky NeRichnead [Present, 12:30; Hokkaido] Hokaru Tomoki rounded the corner, walking at an even pace. She could see her gym teacher motioning wildly at her, but she refused to increase her speed. As it was, her lungs hurt a little - no need to tempt fate. Ten seconds later, she walked past him. He frowned. "13:42." She smiled, breathing hard. "Hey, it was under fifteen!" "This isn't the mile STROLL, you know. Dismissed." Happily, Hokaru headed for the locker room. She had walked at more than four miles an hour for fourteen minutes. She grinned, and said quietly, "Eat your heart out, Setsuna. Destiny be damned." * [Present, 5:00; Juuban, Tokyo] Artemis smiled. Haruka and Michiru had come to a meeting again - they were getting better about it. They had started to become part of the team after the fight with Galaxia and the... incident with Hotaru. Usagi jogged in, puffing hard. She's probably played a game of Sailor V on the way. "Hi guys." She frowned, her eyes filled with worry. "Any word of Hotaru?" Haruka shook her head almost spastically. "No. We would have told you." Ami put a hand on Usagi's shoulder. "Usagi-chan, its been a month. She obviously has some things to work out." Michiru looked at them, her eyes dark with emotion. "Setsuna told us yesterday that she is still alive. She must be - she's using the Saturn Power to block her scans. We can... hope. We must." Usagi walked over, smiling brightly and giving the older girl a hug. "We will find her. I know it." Haruka nodded. Rei sighed. "Any more demon sightings?" The conversation had turned once more to the business of random demon appearances. * [Silver Millenium; the Moon] Elder Saturn smiled sadly at her apprentice. What was surprising was their apparent closeness in age. "You'll get it." Saturn scowled. "Why can't I train like a real Senshi?" "Because you and I guard powers far more diverse and far reaching than the others. With the exception of Pluto, the Senshi are simply guards of the Princess and the Solar System. Pluto guards the Time Gate. Our function is different. We have a responsibility to keep the world in balance." "Yeah - but don't we have similar powers?" Elder Saturn chuckled. "No, not really. We are Balance - the silence and surprise, healing and destruction, concious without shame. The others' have power limited to one element." Saturn sighed, rubbing the back of her neck, then coughed. "So, why are we so frail, then?" Her mentor frowned. "We are not so frail - our physicality is approximately that of of normal human." "Why are weaker than the others?" She sighed. "Because that is part of the balance. Our great strength in balance with great weakness in another area. We are Saturn. This is how it has always been and always been." Saturn frowned, fleetingly tempted to restart the world and see if that was true. "I suppose." * [Present, Hokkaido; 4:30] Hokaru sneezed, then shook her head. Jeez, you'd think she was getting a cold. She stepped into her small apartment, hanging her jacket on a peg. Then she entered the kitchen and put the water on for tea. Finally, she placed quick wards on her door. No one would be creeping up unexpectedly. She walked into her bedroom and picked up a ten pound weight. She sighed and began arm curls. It had been a month since she had left Tokyo, and it had been hard... but she loved it. She was known as a slightly weak high school student, and she had a few friends. She was also known as a mystic - and that the Senshi would never guess of her. She did feel guilty when she thought of Haruka and Michiru - slightly. They had loved her, but they had accepted fate, and she would not. She still felt Setsuna search for her nearly every day - and deflected the Time Senshi's efforts. In the beginning it had been crude and difficult, but she'd gotten good at it. She heard a knock on the door. With a gesture she removed the wards and opened it, still holding the weight. "Hello?" Kikyo smiled. "Working out, huh? I was wondering if you were available for ice cream." Hokaru chuckled, putting down the weight and grabbing her jacket. "How am I going to preserve my figure with you around, Kikyo-chan?" Her friend smiled mischeviously. "We could run to and from the ice cream parlor." Hokaru affected great distress. "No! Not after running the mile today!" "Oh, ok. Come on, I want some pistachio ice cream." "Right behind you." * Kikyo smiled at Hokaru. Her mysterious friend was drinking a vanilla shake and evidently enjoying herself. Kikyo herself would not settle for less than a sundae. * [Outside of time and space] Setsuna frowned. Her search had been deflected once more. With the Saturn Power. But was Hotaru wielding it? It was possible that she had regained memories of her Silver Millenial training. If Hotaru would detransform just once - she would know she was alive. She wouldn't have to worry so. At this rate, Setsuna feared she would break the rules and look into the far future - just to see if she was alive now. What if she had been captured? She swallowed and chuckled. If only the Sailors knew that there was always a bearer of their planets' power. There could be a new Saturn, if Hotaru was dead. But until Saturn let go of her transformation, Setsuna would never know. The note she'd left had been in her handwriting. It made sense, almost. Hotaru didn't want to be treated like a little girl anymore. But where would she go? * [Crystal Millenium; Tokyo - the Crystal Palace] Neo-Queen Serenity looked at her Outer Senshi. "It seems what our past selves weren't told was of the attack on the other side of the planet. Will you three protect the people there?" The three grinned and nodded. Haruka's eyes glinted. "Anytime." * [CM; New York] Sapphire was unhappy. His sneak ambush on the unprotected side of the planet was being balked. By three very annoying Senshi. The first had short blonde hair and was carving his monsters into pieces with her sword. She was Sailor Uranus. The second had medium lenght aqua hair, and she was drowning his minions. She was called Sailor Neptune. But the person who was really causing problems was the Senshi with long dark hair and dark eyes. She was not only slicing through their ranks, she was immolating them with her attacks. Sailor Saturn was evidently *enjoying* herself. His brother's face appeared. "Sapphire, status." "Prince Demando, we're being torn to pieces." "Pull back." "Yes, Prince." * The monsters began to disappear. Saturn frowned. "Is that all? I haven't been able to go all out in ages." Uranus laughed. "Hokaru... we wouldn't have wanted you to go all out for ages." Neptune nodded. "It might have been... destructive." Hokaru laughed. "Yeah. Well, we can't go back to Crystal Tokyo, right?" Pluto appeared. "Correct. You have been granted, in essence, a week's vacation." Hokaru looked up at her. "And you?" Pluto smiled. "My past self is guarding the gate. I have free time now as well." Hokaru nodded. "Good. We haven't gone out to eat for a while." Michiru smiled. "Who's paying?" The four comrades-in-arms walked out laughing.